my $arch = "x86_64";
my $arch = "x86";
https://qgis.org/downloads/https://qgis.org/downloads/https://qgis.org/downloads/ ~/setup/QGIS-release-3_4/ms-windows/osgeo4w」に移動
perl creatensis.pl --verbose
#!/usr/bin/env perl # creates a NSIS installer from OSGeo4W packages # note: works also on Unix # Copyright (C) 2010 J端rgen E. Fischer <jef@norbit.de> # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # Download OSGeo4W packages # BEGIN { # ignore requireAdministrator execution level while producing the # uninstaller $ENV{"__COMPAT_LAYER"} = 'RUNASINVOKER'; } use strict; use warnings; use Getopt::Long; use Pod::Usage; sub pause() { print('pause'); <stdin> } my $keep = 0; my $verbose = 0; my $packagename = "QGIS"; my $releasename; #my $shortname = "qgis"; my $shortname = "qgis-ltr"; my $version; my $binary; my $root = "http://download.osgeo.org/osgeo4w"; my $ininame = "setup.ini"; #my $arch = "x86_64"; my $arch = "x86"; my $signwith; my $signpass; my $help; my $result = GetOptions( "verbose+" => \$verbose, "keep" => \$keep, "signwith=s" => \$signwith, "signpass=s" => \$signpass, "releasename=s" => \$releasename, "version=s" => \$version, "binary=i" => \$binary, "packagename=s" => \$packagename, "shortname=s" => \$shortname, "ininame=s" => \$ininame, "mirror=s" => \$root, "arch=s" => \$arch, "help" => \$help ); die "certificate not found" if defined $signwith && ! -f $signwith; pod2usage(1) if $help; my $wgetopt = $verbose ? "" : "-nv"; print "download of System.dll \n" if $verbose; #unless(-f "nsis/System.dll") { # mkdir "nsis", 0755 unless -d "nsis"; # system "wget $wgetopt -Onsis/System.dll http://qgis.org/downloads/System.dll"; # die "download of System.dll failed" if $?; #} my $archpath = $arch eq "" ? "" : "/$arch"; my $archpostfix = $arch eq "" ? "" : "-$arch"; my $unpacked = "unpacked" . ($arch eq "" ? "" : "-$arch"); my $packages = "packages" . ($arch eq "" ? "" : "-$arch"); print "mkdir $packages \n" if $verbose; mkdir $packages, 0755 unless -d $packages; print "chdir $packages \n" if $verbose; chdir $packages; print "download Untgz.zip \n" if $verbose; pause(); #system "wget $wgetopt -c http://qgis.org/downloads/Untgz.zip" unless -f "Untgz.zip"; #die "download of Untgz.zip failed" if $?; my %dep; my %file; my %lic; my %sdesc; my %md5; my $package; print "download $root$archpath/$ininame \n" if $verbose; pause(); #system "wget $wgetopt -O setup.ini $root$archpath/$ininame"; #die "download of setup.ini failed" if $?; print "read setup.ini \n" if $verbose; #open F, "setup.ini" || die "setup.ini not found"; #while(<F>) { # my $file; # my $md5; # # chop; # if(/^@ (\S+)/) { # $package = $1; # } elsif( /^requires: (.*)$/ ) { # @{$dep{$package}} = split / /, $1; # } elsif( ($file,$md5) = /^install:\s+(\S+)\s+.*\s+(\S+)$/) { # $file{$package} = $file unless exists $file{$package}; # $file =~ s/^.*\///; # $md5{$file} = $md5 unless exists $md5{$file}; # } elsif( ($file,$md5) = /^license:\s+(\S+)\s+.*\s+(\S+)$/) { # $lic{$package} = $file unless exists $lic{$package}; # $file =~ s/^.*\///; # $md5{$file} = $md5 unless exists $md5{$file}; # } elsif( /^sdesc:\s*"(.*)"\s*$/) { # $sdesc{$package} = $1 unless exists $sdesc{$package}; # } #} #close F; my %pkgs; sub getDeps { my $pkg = shift; my $deponly = $pkg =~ /-$/; $pkg =~ s/-$//; unless($deponly) { return if exists $pkgs{$pkg}; print " Including package $pkg\n" if $verbose; $pkgs{$pkg} = 1; } elsif( exists $pkgs{$pkg} ) { print " Excluding package $pkg\n" if $verbose; delete $pkgs{$pkg}; return; } else { print " Including dependencies of package $pkg\n" if $verbose; } foreach my $p ( @{ $dep{$pkg} } ) { getDeps($p); } } print "unless \n" if $verbose; #unless(@ARGV) { # print "Defaulting to qgis-full package...\n" if $verbose; # push @ARGV, "qgis-full"; #} print "getDeps \n" if $verbose; #getDeps($_) for @ARGV; #if(-f "../addons/bin/NCSEcw4_RO.dll") { # print "Enabling ECW support...\n" if $verbose; # getDeps("gdal-ecw") #} print "Download package \n" if $verbose; #my @lic; #my @desc; #foreach my $p ( keys %pkgs ) { # my @f; # unless( exists $file{$p} ) { # print "No file for package $p found.\n" if $verbose; # next; # } # push @f, "$root/$file{$p}"; # # if( exists $lic{$p} ) { # push @f, "$root/$lic{$p}"; # my($l) = $lic{$p} =~ /([^\/]+)$/; # push @lic, $l; # push @desc, $sdesc{$p}; # } # # for my $f (@f) { # $f =~ s/\/\.\//\//g; # # my($file) = $f =~ /([^\/]+)$/; # # next if -f $file; # # print "Downloading $file [$f]...\n" if $verbose; # system "wget $wgetopt -c $f"; # die "download of $f failed" if $? or ! -f $file; # # if( exists $md5{$file} ) { # my $md5; # open F, "md5sum '$file'|"; # while(<F>) { # if( /^(\S+)\s+\*?(.*)$/ && $2 eq $file ) { # $md5 = $1; # } # } # close F; # # die "No md5sum of $p determined [$file]" unless defined $md5; # if( $md5 eq $md5{$file} ) { # print "md5sum of $file verified.\n" if $verbose; # } else { # die "md5sum mismatch for $file [$md5 vs $md5{$file{$p}}]" # } # } # else # { # die "md5sum for $file not found.\n"; # } # } #} print "chdir .. \n" if $verbose; chdir ".."; # # Unpack them # Add nircmd # Add addons # #if( -d $unpacked ) { # unless( $keep ) { # print "Removing $unpacked directory\n" if $verbose; # system "rm -rf $unpacked"; # } else { # print "Keeping $unpacked directory\n" if $verbose; # } #} my $taropt = "v" x $verbose; #unless(-d $unpacked ) { # mkdir "$unpacked", 0755; # mkdir "$unpacked/bin", 0755; # mkdir "$unpacked/etc", 0755; # mkdir "$unpacked/etc/setup", 0755; # # # Create package database # open O, ">$unpacked/etc/setup/installed.db"; # print O "INSTALLED.DB 2\n"; # # foreach my $pn ( keys %pkgs ) { # my $p = $file{$pn}; # unless( defined $p ) { # print "No package found for $pn\n" if $verbose; # next; # } # # $p =~ s#^.*/#$packages/#; # # unless( -r $p ) { # print "Package $p not found.\n" if $verbose; # next; # } # # print O "$pn $p 0\n"; # # print "Unpacking $p...\n" if $verbose; # system "bash -c 'tar $taropt -C $unpacked -xjvf $p | gzip -c >$unpacked/etc/setup/$pn.lst.gz && [ \${PIPESTATUS[0]} == 0 -a \${PIPESTATUS[1]} == 0 ]'"; # die "unpacking of $p failed" if $?; # } # # close O; # # chdir $unpacked; # # mkdir "bin", 0755; # # unless( -f "bin/nircmd.exe" ) { # unless( -f "../$packages/nircmd.zip" ) { # system "cd ../$packages; wget $wgetopt -c http://www.nirsoft.net/utils/nircmd.zip"; # die "download of nircmd.zip failed" if $?; # } # # mkdir "apps", 0755; # mkdir "apps/nircmd", 0755; # system "cd apps/nircmd; unzip ../../../$packages/nircmd.zip && mv nircmd.exe nircmdc.exe ../../bin"; # die "unpacking of nircmd failed" if $?; # } # # if( -d "../addons" ) { # print " Including addons...\n" if $verbose; # system "tar -C ../addons -cf - . | tar $taropt -xf -"; # die "copying of addons failed" if $?; # } # # chdir ".."; #} print "read cmakelist \n" if $verbose; my($major, $minor, $patch); open F, "../../CMakeLists.txt"; while(<F>) { if(/SET\(CPACK_PACKAGE_VERSION_MAJOR "(\d+)"\)/) { $major = $1; } elsif(/SET\(CPACK_PACKAGE_VERSION_MINOR "(\d+)"\)/) { $minor = $1; } elsif(/SET\(CPACK_PACKAGE_VERSION_PATCH "(\d+)"\)/) { $patch = $1; } elsif(/SET\(RELEASE_NAME "(.+)"\)/) { $releasename = $1 unless defined $releasename; } } close F; print "major $major \n" if $verbose; print "minor $minor \n" if $verbose; print "patch $patch \n" if $verbose; print "releasename $releasename \n" if $verbose; $version = "$major.$minor.$patch" unless defined $version; my($pmajor,$pminor,$ppatch) = $version =~ /^(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)$/; die "Invalid version $version" unless defined $ppatch; unless( defined $binary ) { if( -f "binary$archpostfix-$version" ) { open P, "binary$archpostfix-$version"; $binary = <P>; close P; $binary++; } else { $binary = 1; } } print "binary $binary \n" if $verbose; # # Create postinstall.bat # # print "Create postinstall.bat \n" if $verbose; # #open F, ">../Installer-Files/postinstall.bat"; # #my $r = ">>postinstall.log 2>&1\r\n"; # #print F "\@echo off\r\n"; #print F "if exist postinstall.log del postinstall.log\r\n"; #print F "set OSGEO4W_ROOT_MSYS=%OSGEO4W_ROOT:\\=/%$r"; #print F "if \"%OSGEO4W_ROOT_MSYS:~1,1%\"==\":\" set OSGEO4W_ROOT_MSYS=/%OSGEO4W_ROOT_MSYS:~0,1%/%OSGEO4W_ROOT_MSYS:~3%$r"; # #print F "del preremove-conf.bat$r"; #my $c = ">>preremove-conf.bat\r\n"; #print F "echo set OSGEO4W_ROOT=%OSGEO4W_ROOT%$c"; #print F "echo set OSGEO4W_ROOT_MSYS=%OSGEO4W_ROOT_MSYS%$c"; #print F "echo set OSGEO4W_STARTMENU=%OSGEO4W_STARTMENU%$c"; #print F "echo set OSGEO4W_DESKTOP=%OSGEO4W_DESKTOP%$c"; # #print F "echo OSGEO4W_ROOT=%OSGEO4W_ROOT%$r"; #print F "echo OSGEO4W_ROOT_MSYS=%OSGEO4W_ROOT_MSYS%$r"; #print F "echo OSGEO4W_STARTMENU=%OSGEO4W_STARTMENU%$r"; #print F "echo OSGEO4W_DESKTOP=%OSGEO4W_DESKTOP%$r"; #print F "PATH %OSGEO4W_ROOT%\\bin;%PATH%$r"; #print F "cd /d %OSGEO4W_ROOT%$r"; chdir $unpacked; #for my $p (<etc/postinstall/*.bat>) { # $p =~ s/\//\\/g; # my($dir,$file) = $p =~ /^(.+)\\([^\\]+)$/; # # print F "echo Running postinstall $file...$r"; # print F "%COMSPEC% /c $p$r"; # print F "ren $p $file.done$r"; #} chdir ".."; # #print F "ren postinstall.bat postinstall.bat.done$r"; # #close F; # #open F, ">../Installer-Files/preremove.bat"; # #$r = ">>%TEMP%\\$packagename-OSGeo4W-$version-$binary-preremove.log 2>&1\r\n"; # #print F "\@echo off\r\n"; #print F "call \"%~dp0\\preremove-conf.bat\"$r"; #print F "echo OSGEO4W_ROOT=%OSGEO4W_ROOT%$r"; #print F "echo OSGEO4W_STARTMENU=%OSGEO4W_STARTMENU%$r"; #print F "echo OSGEO4W_DESKTOP=%OSGEO4W_DESKTOP%$r"; #print F "set OSGEO4W_ROOT_MSYS=%OSGEO4W_ROOT:\\=/%$r"; #print F "if \"%OSGEO4W_ROOT_MSYS:~1,1%\"==\":\" set OSGEO4W_ROOT_MSYS=/%OSGEO4W_ROOT_MSYS:~0,1%/%OSGEO4W_ROOT_MSYS:~3%$r"; #print F "echo OSGEO4W_ROOT_MSYS=%OSGEO4W_ROOT_MSYS%$r"; #print F "PATH %OSGEO4W_ROOT%\\bin;%PATH%$r"; #print F "cd /d \"%OSGEO4W_ROOT%\"$r"; chdir $unpacked; #for my $p (<etc/preremove/*.bat>) { # $p =~ s/\//\\/g; # my($dir,$file) = $p =~ /^(.+)\\([^\\]+)$/; # # print F "echo Running preremove $file...$r"; # print F "%COMSPEC% /c $p$r"; # print F "ren $p $file.done$r"; #} chdir ".."; # #print F "ren preremove.bat preremove.bat.done$r"; # #close F; #unless(-d "untgz") { # system "unzip $packages/Untgz.zip"; # die "unpacking Untgz.zip failed" if $?; #} chdir ".."; print "Creating license file\n" if $verbose; #open O, ">license.tmp"; #my $lic; #for my $l ( ( "osgeo4w/$unpacked/apps/$shortname/doc/LICENSE", "../COPYING", "./Installer-Files/LICENSE.txt" ) ) { # next unless -f $l; # $lic = $l; # last; #} # #die "no license found" unless defined $lic; #my $i = 0; #if( @lic ) { # print O "License overview:\n"; # print O "1. QGIS\n"; # $i = 1; # for my $l ( @desc ) { # print O ++$i . ". $l\n"; # } # $i = 0; # print O "\n\n----------\n\n" . ++$i . ". License of 'QGIS'\n\n"; #} #print " Including QGIS license $lic\n" if $verbose; #open I, $lic; #while(<I>) { # s/\s*$/\n/; # print O; #} #close I; #for my $l (@lic) { # print " Including license $l\n" if $verbose; # # open I, "osgeo4w/$packages/$l" or die "License $l not found."; # print O "\n\n----------\n\n" . ++$i . ". License of '" . shift(@desc) . "'\n\n"; # while(<I>) { # s/\s*$/\n/; # print O; # } # close I; #} # #close O; # my $license = "license.tmp"; #if( -f "osgeo4w/$unpacked/apps/$shortname/doc/LICENSE" ) { # open O, ">osgeo4w/$unpacked/apps/$shortname/doc/LICENSE"; # open I, $license; # while(<I>) { # print O; # } # close O; # close I; # # $license = "osgeo4w/$unpacked/apps/$shortname/doc/LICENSE"; #} # kernel $license = "osgeo4w/$unpacked/apps/$shortname/doc/LICENSE"; print "Running NSIS\n" if $verbose; my $installerbase = "$packagename-OSGeo4W-$version-$binary-Setup$archpostfix"; print "installerbase $installerbase \n" if $verbose; my $run; my $instdest; if($^O eq "cygwin") { $run = "cygstart "; $instdest = `cygpath -w \$PWD`; } else { $run = "wine "; $instdest = `winepath -w \$PWD`; } $instdest =~ s/\s+$//; $instdest =~ s/\\/\\\\/g; print "instdest $instdest \n" if $verbose; pause(); my $args = ""; $args .= " -V$verbose"; $args .= " -DVERSION_NAME='$releasename'"; $args .= " -DVERSION_NUMBER='$version'"; $args .= " -DBINARY_REVISION=$binary"; $args .= sprintf( " -DVERSION_INT='%d%02d%02d%02d'", $pmajor, $pminor, $ppatch, $binary ); $args .= sprintf( " -DQGIS_BASE='$packagename %d.%d'", $pmajor, $pminor ); $args .= " -DDISPLAYED_NAME=\"$packagename $version '$releasename'\""; $args .= " -DPACKAGE_FOLDER=osgeo4w/$unpacked"; $args .= " -DLICENSE_FILE='$license'"; $args .= " -DARCH='$arch'"; $args .= " QGIS-Installer.nsi"; sub sign { print "sign \n" if $verbose; pause(); my $base = shift; my $cmd = "osslsigncode sign"; $cmd .= " -pkcs12 \"$signwith\""; $cmd .= " -pass \"$signpass\"" if defined $signpass; $cmd .= " -n \"$packagename $version '$releasename'\""; $cmd .= " -h sha256"; $cmd .= " -i \"https://qgis.org\""; $cmd .= " -t \"http://timestamp.digicert.com\""; $cmd .= " -in \"$base.exe\""; $cmd .= " $base-signed.exe"; system $cmd; die "signing failed [$cmd]" if $?; rename("$base-signed.exe", "$base.exe") or die "rename failed: $!"; } print "start makensis makeuinst.exe \n" if $verbose; pause(); my $cmd; unlink "makeuinst.exe"; $cmd = "makensis -DINNER=1 -DUNINSTALLERDEST='$instdest' -DINSTALLER_NAME='makeuinst.exe' $args"; system $cmd; die "running makensis failed [$cmd]" if $?; die "makeuinst.exe not created" unless -f "makeuinst.exe"; print "${run}makeuinst.exe \n" if $verbose; pause(); unlink "uninstall.exe"; chmod 0755, "makeuinst.exe"; system "${run}makeuinst.exe"; sleep 5; die "uninstall.exe not created" unless -f "uninstall.exe"; unlink "makeuinst.exe"; sign "uninstall" if $signwith; #print "makensis $installerbase.exe \n" if $verbose; #pause(); $cmd = "makensis -DINSTALLER_NAME='$installerbase.exe' $args"; system $cmd; die "running makensis failed [$cmd]" if $?; sign "$installerbase" if $signwith; open P, ">osgeo4w/binary$archpostfix-$version"; print P $binary; close P; print "md5sum \n" if $verbose; pause(); system "md5sum $installerbase.exe >$installerbase.exe.md5sum"; print "end \n" if $verbose; pause(); __END__ =head1 NAME creatensis.pl - create NSIS package from OSGeo4W packages =head1 SYNOPSIS creatensis.pl [options] [packages...] Options: -verbose increase verbosity -releasename=name name of release (defaults to CMakeLists.txt setting) -keep don't start with a fresh unpacked directory -signwith=cert.p12 optionall sign package with certificate (requires osslsigncode) -signpass=password password of certificate -version=m.m.p package version (defaults to CMakeLists.txt setting) -binary=b binary version of package -ininame=filename name of the setup.ini (defaults to setup.ini) -packagename=s name of package (defaults to 'QGIS') -shortname=s shortname used for batch file (defaults to 'qgis') -mirror=s default mirror (defaults to 'http://download.osgeo.org/osgeo4w') -arch=s architecture (x86 or x86_64; defaults to 'x86_64') -help this help If no packages are given 'qgis-full' and it's dependencies will be retrieved and packaged. Packages with a appended '-' are excluded, but their dependencies are included. =cut
perl creatensis.pl --verbose
!ifndef INNER Section "QGIS" SecQGIS SectionIn RO ;Added by Tim to set the reg key so we get default plugin loading !include plugins.nsh ;Added by Tim to set the reg key so we get default python & py plugins !include python_plugins.nsh
perl creatensis.pl --verbose
CreateDirectory "$SMPROGRAMS\${QGIS_BASE}"
;CreateDirectory "$SMPROGRAMS\${QGIS_BASE}"
@echo off if exist postinstall.log del postinstall.log set OSGEO4W_ROOT_MSYS=%OSGEO4W_ROOT:\=/%>>postinstall.log 2>&1 if "%OSGEO4W_ROOT_MSYS:~1,1%"==":" set OSGEO4W_ROOT_MSYS=/%OSGEO4W_ROOT_MSYS:~0,1%/%OSGEO4W_ROOT_MSYS:~3%>>postinstall.log 2>&1 del preremove-conf.bat>>postinstall.log 2>&1 echo set OSGEO4W_ROOT=%OSGEO4W_ROOT%>>preremove-conf.bat echo set OSGEO4W_ROOT_MSYS=%OSGEO4W_ROOT_MSYS%>>preremove-conf.bat echo set OSGEO4W_STARTMENU=%OSGEO4W_STARTMENU%>>preremove-conf.bat echo set OSGEO4W_DESKTOP=%OSGEO4W_DESKTOP%>>preremove-conf.bat echo OSGEO4W_ROOT=%OSGEO4W_ROOT%>>postinstall.log 2>&1 echo OSGEO4W_ROOT_MSYS=%OSGEO4W_ROOT_MSYS%>>postinstall.log 2>&1 echo OSGEO4W_STARTMENU=%OSGEO4W_STARTMENU%>>postinstall.log 2>&1 echo OSGEO4W_DESKTOP=%OSGEO4W_DESKTOP%>>postinstall.log 2>&1 PATH %OSGEO4W_ROOT%\bin;%PATH%>>postinstall.log 2>&1 cd /d %OSGEO4W_ROOT%>>postinstall.log 2>&1 echo Running postinstall gdal-python.bat...>>postinstall.log 2>&1 %COMSPEC% /c etc\postinstall\gdal-python.bat>>postinstall.log 2>&1 ren etc\postinstall\gdal-python.bat gdal-python.bat.done>>postinstall.log 2>&1 echo Running postinstall grass.bat...>>postinstall.log 2>&1 %COMSPEC% /c etc\postinstall\grass.bat>>postinstall.log 2>&1 ren etc\postinstall\grass.bat grass.bat.done>>postinstall.log 2>&1 echo Running postinstall liblas.bat...>>postinstall.log 2>&1 %COMSPEC% /c etc\postinstall\liblas.bat>>postinstall.log 2>&1 ren etc\postinstall\liblas.bat liblas.bat.done>>postinstall.log 2>&1 echo Running postinstall msvcrt2008.bat...>>postinstall.log 2>&1 %COMSPEC% /c etc\postinstall\msvcrt2008.bat>>postinstall.log 2>&1 ren etc\postinstall\msvcrt2008.bat msvcrt2008.bat.done>>postinstall.log 2>&1 echo Running postinstall msvcrt2010.bat...>>postinstall.log 2>&1 %COMSPEC% /c etc\postinstall\msvcrt2010.bat>>postinstall.log 2>&1 ren etc\postinstall\msvcrt2010.bat msvcrt2010.bat.done>>postinstall.log 2>&1 echo Running postinstall msvcrt2013.bat...>>postinstall.log 2>&1 %COMSPEC% /c etc\postinstall\msvcrt2013.bat>>postinstall.log 2>&1 ren etc\postinstall\msvcrt2013.bat msvcrt2013.bat.done>>postinstall.log 2>&1 echo Running postinstall msvcrt2015.bat...>>postinstall.log 2>&1 %COMSPEC% /c etc\postinstall\msvcrt2015.bat>>postinstall.log 2>&1 ren etc\postinstall\msvcrt2015.bat msvcrt2015.bat.done>>postinstall.log 2>&1 echo Running postinstall netcdf.bat...>>postinstall.log 2>&1 %COMSPEC% /c etc\postinstall\netcdf.bat>>postinstall.log 2>&1 ren etc\postinstall\netcdf.bat netcdf.bat.done>>postinstall.log 2>&1 echo Running postinstall opencl.bat...>>postinstall.log 2>&1 %COMSPEC% /c etc\postinstall\opencl.bat>>postinstall.log 2>&1 ren etc\postinstall\opencl.bat opencl.bat.done>>postinstall.log 2>&1 echo Running postinstall openssl.bat...>>postinstall.log 2>&1 %COMSPEC% /c etc\postinstall\openssl.bat>>postinstall.log 2>&1 ren etc\postinstall\openssl.bat openssl.bat.done>>postinstall.log 2>&1 echo Running postinstall pyqt5.bat...>>postinstall.log 2>&1 %COMSPEC% /c etc\postinstall\pyqt5.bat>>postinstall.log 2>&1 ren etc\postinstall\pyqt5.bat pyqt5.bat.done>>postinstall.log 2>&1 echo Running postinstall python-core.bat...>>postinstall.log 2>&1 %COMSPEC% /c etc\postinstall\python-core.bat>>postinstall.log 2>&1 ren etc\postinstall\python-core.bat python-core.bat.done>>postinstall.log 2>&1 echo Running postinstall python3-setuptools.bat...>>postinstall.log 2>&1 %COMSPEC% /c etc\postinstall\python3-setuptools.bat>>postinstall.log 2>&1 ren etc\postinstall\python3-setuptools.bat python3-setuptools.bat.done>>postinstall.log 2>&1 echo Running postinstall qgis-ltr-common.bat...>>postinstall.log 2>&1 %COMSPEC% /c etc\postinstall\qgis-ltr-common.bat>>postinstall.log 2>&1 ren etc\postinstall\qgis-ltr-common.bat qgis-ltr-common.bat.done>>postinstall.log 2>&1 echo Running postinstall qgis-ltr-grass-plugin-common.bat...>>postinstall.log 2>&1 %COMSPEC% /c etc\postinstall\qgis-ltr-grass-plugin-common.bat>>postinstall.log 2>&1 ren etc\postinstall\qgis-ltr-grass-plugin-common.bat qgis-ltr-grass-plugin-common.bat.done>>postinstall.log 2>&1 echo Running postinstall qgis-ltr-grass-plugin7.bat...>>postinstall.log 2>&1 %COMSPEC% /c etc\postinstall\qgis-ltr-grass-plugin7.bat>>postinstall.log 2>&1 echo %errorlevel%>>postinstall.log 2>&1 echo ren qgis-ltr-grass-plugin7.bat >>postinstall.log 2>&1 ren etc\postinstall\qgis-ltr-grass-plugin7.bat qgis-ltr-grass-plugin7.bat.done>>postinstall.log 2>&1 echo %errorlevel%>>postinstall.log 2>&1 echo Running postinstall qgis-ltr.bat...>>postinstall.log 2>&1 %COMSPEC% /c etc\postinstall\qgis-ltr.bat>>postinstall.log 2>&1 echo %errorlevel%>>postinstall.log 2>&1 echo ren qgis-ltr.bat >>postinstall.log 2>&1 ren etc\postinstall\qgis-ltr.bat qgis-ltr.bat.done>>postinstall.log 2>&1 echo %errorlevel%>>postinstall.log 2>&1 echo Running postinstall qt5-libs.bat...>>postinstall.log 2>&1 %COMSPEC% /c etc\postinstall\qt5-libs.bat>>postinstall.log 2>&1 ren etc\postinstall\qt5-libs.bat qt5-libs.bat.done>>postinstall.log 2>&1 echo Running postinstall saga-ltr.bat...>>postinstall.log 2>&1 %COMSPEC% /c etc\postinstall\saga-ltr.bat>>postinstall.log 2>&1 ren etc\postinstall\saga-ltr.bat saga-ltr.bat.done>>postinstall.log 2>&1 echo Running postinstall setup.bat...>>postinstall.log 2>&1 %COMSPEC% /c etc\postinstall\setup.bat>>postinstall.log 2>&1 ren etc\postinstall\setup.bat setup.bat.done>>postinstall.log 2>&1 echo Running postinstall shell.bat...>>postinstall.log 2>&1 %COMSPEC% /c etc\postinstall\shell.bat>>postinstall.log 2>&1 ren etc\postinstall\shell.bat shell.bat.done>>postinstall.log 2>&1 echo Running postinstall sip-qt5.bat...>>postinstall.log 2>&1 %COMSPEC% /c etc\postinstall\sip-qt5.bat>>postinstall.log 2>&1 ren etc\postinstall\sip-qt5.bat sip-qt5.bat.done>>postinstall.log 2>&1 ren postinstall.bat postinstall.bat.done>>postinstall.log 2>&1
set ICON=%OSGEO4W_ROOT%\apps\grass\grass78\gui\icons\grass_osgeo.ico set BATCH=%OSGEO4W_ROOT%\bin\grass78.bat textreplace -std -t "%BATCH%" textreplace -std -t "%OSGEO4W_ROOT%"\apps\grass\grass-78\etc\fontcap if not %OSGEO4W_MENU_LINKS%==0 xxmklink "%OSGEO4W_STARTMENU%\GRASS GIS 7.8.1.lnk" "%BATCH%" "--gui" \ "Launch GRASS GIS 7.8.1" 1 "%ICON%" if not %OSGEO4W_DESKTOP_LINKS%==0 xxmklink "%OSGEO4W_DESKTOP%\GRASS GIS 7.8.1.lnk" "%BATCH%" "--gui" \ "Launch GRASS GIS 7.8.1" 1 "%ICON%" rem run g.mkfontcap outside a GRASS session during rem an OSGeo4W installation for updating paths to fonts rem set gisbase set GISBASE=%OSGEO4W_ROOT%\apps\grass\grass78 rem set path to freetype dll and its dependencies set FREETYPEBASE=%OSGEO4W_ROOT%\bin;%OSGEO4W_ROOT%\apps\msys\bin;%GISBASE%\lib rem set dependencies to path set PATH=%FREETYPEBASE%;%PATH% rem GISRC must be set set GISRC=dummy rem run g.mkfontcap outside a GRASS session "%GISBASE%\bin\g.mkfontcap.exe" -o del "%BATCH%.tmpl
set ICON=%OSGEO4W_ROOT%\apps\grass\grass78\gui\icons\grass_osgeo.ico set BATCH=%OSGEO4W_ROOT%\bin\grass78.bat textreplace -std -t "%BATCH%" textreplace -std -t "%OSGEO4W_ROOT%"\apps\grass\grass-78\etc\fontcap REM if not %OSGEO4W_MENU_LINKS%==0 xxmklink "%OSGEO4W_STARTMENU%\GRASS GIS 7.8.1.lnk" "%BATCH%" "--gui" \ "Launch GRASS GIS 7.8.1" 1 "%ICON%" REM if not %OSGEO4W_DESKTOP_LINKS%==0 xxmklink "%OSGEO4W_DESKTOP%\GRASS GIS 7.8.1.lnk" "%BATCH%" "--gui" \ "Launch GRASS GIS 7.8.1" 1 "%ICON%" rem run g.mkfontcap outside a GRASS session during rem an OSGeo4W installation for updating paths to fonts rem set gisbase set GISBASE=%OSGEO4W_ROOT%\apps\grass\grass78 rem set path to freetype dll and its dependencies set FREETYPEBASE=%OSGEO4W_ROOT%\bin;%OSGEO4W_ROOT%\apps\msys\bin;%GISBASE%\lib rem set dependencies to path set PATH=%FREETYPEBASE%;%PATH% rem GISRC must be set set GISRC=dummy rem run g.mkfontcap outside a GRASS session "%GISBASE%\bin\g.mkfontcap.exe" -o del "%BATCH%.tmpl
textreplace -std -t bin\qgis-ltr-grass7.bat if "%OSGEO4W_DESKTOP%"=="" set OSGEO4W_DESKTOP=~$folder.common_desktop$ copy bin\qgis-ltr-bin.exe bin\qgis-ltr-bin-g7.exe copy bin\qgis-ltr-bin.vars bin\qgis-ltr-bin-g7.vars call "%OSGEO4W_ROOT%\bin\qgis-ltr-grass7.bat" --postinstall if not %OSGEO4W_MENU_LINKS%==0 mkdir "%OSGEO4W_STARTMENU%" if not %OSGEO4W_DESKTOP_LINKS%==0 mkdir "%OSGEO4W_DESKTOP%" if not %OSGEO4W_MENU_LINKS%==0 nircmd shortcut "%OSGEO4W_ROOT%\bin\qgis-ltr-bin-g7.exe" "%OSGEO4W_STARTMENU%" "QGIS Desktop 3.4.13 with GRASS 7.8.0" "" "" "" "" "~$folder.mydocuments$" if not %OSGEO4W_DESKTOP_LINKS%==0 nircmd shortcut "%OSGEO4W_ROOT%\bin\qgis-ltr-bin-g7.exe" "%OSGEO4W_DESKTOP%" "QGIS Desktop 3.4.13 with GRASS 7.8.0" "" "" "" "" "~$folder.mydocuments$"
textreplace -std -t bin\qgis-ltr-grass7.bat REM if "%OSGEO4W_DESKTOP%"=="" set OSGEO4W_DESKTOP=~$folder.common_desktop$ copy bin\qgis-ltr-bin.exe bin\qgis-ltr-bin-g7.exe copy bin\qgis-ltr-bin.vars bin\qgis-ltr-bin-g7.vars call "%OSGEO4W_ROOT%\bin\qgis-ltr-grass7.bat" --postinstall REM if not %OSGEO4W_MENU_LINKS%==0 mkdir "%OSGEO4W_STARTMENU%" REM if not %OSGEO4W_DESKTOP_LINKS%==0 mkdir "%OSGEO4W_DESKTOP%" REM if not %OSGEO4W_MENU_LINKS%==0 nircmd shortcut "%OSGEO4W_ROOT%\bin\qgis-ltr-bin-g7.exe" "%OSGEO4W_STARTMENU%" "QGIS Desktop 3.4.13 with GRASS 7.8.0" "" "" "" "" "~$folder.mydocuments$" REM if not %OSGEO4W_DESKTOP_LINKS%==0 nircmd shortcut "%OSGEO4W_ROOT%\bin\qgis-ltr-bin-g7.exe" "%OSGEO4W_DESKTOP%" "QGIS Desktop 3.4.13 with GRASS 7.8.0" "" "" "" "" "~$folder.mydocuments$"
textreplace -std -t bin\qgis-ltr.bat textreplace -std -t bin\qgis-ltr-designer.bat textreplace -std -t bin\python-qgis-ltr.bat REM get short path without blanks for %%i in ("%OSGEO4W_ROOT%") do set O4W_ROOT=%%~fsi if "%OSGEO4W_DESKTOP%"=="" set OSGEO4W_DESKTOP=~$folder.common_desktop$ call "%OSGEO4W_ROOT%\bin\qgis-ltr.bat" --postinstall if not %OSGEO4W_MENU_LINKS%==0 mkdir "%OSGEO4W_STARTMENU%" if not %OSGEO4W_DESKTOP_LINKS%==0 mkdir "%OSGEO4W_DESKTOP%" if not %OSGEO4W_MENU_LINKS%==0 nircmd shortcut "%O4W_ROOT%\bin\qgis-ltr-bin.exe" "%OSGEO4W_STARTMENU%" "QGIS Desktop 3.4.13" "" "" "" "" "~$folder.mydocuments$" if not %OSGEO4W_DESKTOP_LINKS%==0 nircmd shortcut "%O4W_ROOT%\bin\qgis-ltr-bin.exe" "%OSGEO4W_DESKTOP%" "QGIS Desktop 3.4.13" "" "" "" "" "~$folder.mydocuments$" if not %OSGEO4W_MENU_LINKS%==0 nircmd shortcut "%O4W_ROOT%\bin\nircmd.exe" "%OSGEO4W_STARTMENU%" "Qt Designer with QGIS 3.4.13 custom widgets" "exec hide """%OSGEO4W_ROOT%\bin\qgis-ltr-designer.bat"" "%O4W_ROOT%\apps\qgis-ltr\icons\QGIS.ico" "" "" "~$folder.mydocuments$" if not %OSGEO4W_DESKTOP_LINKS%==0 nircmd shortcut "%O4W_ROOT%\bin\nircmd.exe" "%OSGEO4W_DESKTOP%" "Qt Designer with QGIS 3.4.13 custom widgets" "exec hide %O4W_ROOT%\bin\qgis-ltr-designer.bat" "%O4W_ROOT%\apps\qgis-ltr\icons\QGIS.ico" "" "" "~$folder.mydocuments$" set OSGEO4W_ROOT=%OSGEO4W_ROOT:\=\\% textreplace -std -t "%O4W_ROOT%\apps\qgis-ltr\bin\qgis.reg" nircmd elevate "%WINDIR%\regedit" /s "%O4W_ROOT%\apps\qgis-ltr\bin\qgis.reg" del /s /q "%OSGEO4W_ROOT%\apps\qgis-ltr\python\*.pyc" exit /b 0
echo qgis-ltr.bat 1 textreplace -std -t bin\qgis-ltr.bat textreplace -std -t bin\qgis-ltr-designer.bat textreplace -std -t bin\python-qgis-ltr.bat echo qgis-ltr.bat 2 REM get short path without blanks for %%i in ("%OSGEO4W_ROOT%") do set O4W_ROOT=%%~fsi REM if "%OSGEO4W_DESKTOP%"=="" set OSGEO4W_DESKTOP=~$folder.common_desktop$ echo qgis-ltr.bat 3 call "%OSGEO4W_ROOT%\bin\qgis-ltr.bat" --postinstall echo qgis-ltr.bat 4 if not %OSGEO4W_MENU_LINKS%==0 mkdir "%OSGEO4W_STARTMENU%" REM if not %OSGEO4W_DESKTOP_LINKS%==0 mkdir "%OSGEO4W_DESKTOP%" echo qgis-ltr.bat 5 REM if not %OSGEO4W_MENU_LINKS%==0 nircmd shortcut "%O4W_ROOT%\bin\qgis-ltr-bin.exe" "%OSGEO4W_STARTMENU%" "QGIS Desktop 3.4.13" "" "" "" "" "~$folder.mydocuments$" REM if not %OSGEO4W_DESKTOP_LINKS%==0 nircmd shortcut "%O4W_ROOT%\bin\qgis-ltr-bin.exe" "%OSGEO4W_DESKTOP%" "QGIS Desktop 3.4.13" "" "" "" "" "~$folder.mydocuments$" echo qgis-ltr.bat 6 REM if not %OSGEO4W_MENU_LINKS%==0 nircmd shortcut "%O4W_ROOT%\bin\nircmd.exe" "%OSGEO4W_STARTMENU%" "Qt Designer with QGIS 3.4.13 custom widgets" "exec hide """%OSGEO4W_ROOT%\bin\qgis-ltr-designer.bat"" "%O4W_ROOT%\apps\qgis-ltr\icons\QGIS.ico" "" "" "~$folder.mydocuments$" REM if not %OSGEO4W_DESKTOP_LINKS%==0 nircmd shortcut "%O4W_ROOT%\bin\nircmd.exe" "%OSGEO4W_DESKTOP%" "Qt Designer with QGIS 3.4.13 custom widgets" "exec hide %O4W_ROOT%\bin\qgis-ltr-designer.bat" "%O4W_ROOT%\apps\qgis-ltr\icons\QGIS.ico" "" "" "~$folder.mydocuments$" echo qgis-ltr.bat 7 set OSGEO4W_ROOT=%OSGEO4W_ROOT:\=\\% echo qgis-ltr.bat 8 textreplace -std -t "%O4W_ROOT%\apps\qgis-ltr\bin\qgis.reg" echo qgis-ltr.bat 9 nircmd elevate "%WINDIR%\regedit" /s "%O4W_ROOT%\apps\qgis-ltr\bin\qgis.reg" echo qgis-ltr.bat 10 del /s /q "%OSGEO4W_ROOT%\apps\qgis-ltr\python\*.pyc" echo qgis-ltr.bat 11 exit /b 0
if "%OSGEO4W_DESKTOP%"=="" set OSGEO4W_DESKTOP=%ALLUSERSPROFILE%\Desktop if not %OSGEO4W_DESKTOP_LINKS%==0 mkdir "%OSGEO4W_DESKTOP%" if not %OSGEO4W_DESKTOP_LINKS%==0 nircmd shortcut "%OSGEO4W_ROOT%\bin\nircmd.exe" "%OSGEO4W_DESKTOP%" "SAGA GIS (2.3.2)" "exec hide ~q%OSGEO4W_ROOT%\bin\saga-ltr_gui.bat~q" "%OSGEO4W_ROOT%\apps\saga-ltr\saga_gui.exe" if not %OSGEO4W_MENU_LINKS%==0 mkdir "%OSGEO4W_STARTMENU%" if not %OSGEO4W_MENU_LINKS%==0 nircmd shortcut "%OSGEO4W_ROOT%\bin\nircmd.exe" "%OSGEO4W_STARTMENU%" "SAGA GIS (2.3.2)" "exec hide ~q%OSGEO4W_ROOT%\bin\saga-ltr_gui.bat~q" "%OSGEO4W_ROOT%\apps\saga-ltr\saga_gui.exe"
REM if "%OSGEO4W_DESKTOP%"=="" set OSGEO4W_DESKTOP=%ALLUSERSPROFILE%\Desktop REM if not %OSGEO4W_DESKTOP_LINKS%==0 mkdir "%OSGEO4W_DESKTOP%" REM if not %OSGEO4W_DESKTOP_LINKS%==0 nircmd shortcut "%OSGEO4W_ROOT%\bin\nircmd.exe" "%OSGEO4W_DESKTOP%" "SAGA GIS (2.3.2)" "exec hide ~q%OSGEO4W_ROOT%\bin\saga-ltr_gui.bat~q" REM "%OSGEO4W_ROOT%\apps\saga-ltr\saga_gui.exe" REM if not %OSGEO4W_MENU_LINKS%==0 mkdir "%OSGEO4W_STARTMENU%" REM if not %OSGEO4W_MENU_LINKS%==0 nircmd shortcut "%OSGEO4W_ROOT%\bin\nircmd.exe" "%OSGEO4W_STARTMENU%" "SAGA GIS (2.3.2)" "exec hide ~q%OSGEO4W_ROOT%\bin\saga-ltr_gui.bat~q" REM "%OSGEO4W_ROOT%\apps\saga-ltr\saga_gui.exe"
nircmd shortcut "%OSGEO4W_ROOT%\bin\nircmd.exe" "%OSGEO4W_STARTMENU%" "Setup" "exec hide ~q%OSGEO4W_ROOT%\bin\setup.bat~q" "%OSGEO4W_ROOT%\OSGeo4W.ico" textreplace -std -t bin/setup.bat textreplace -std -t bin/setup-test.bat
REM nircmd shortcut "%OSGEO4W_ROOT%\bin\nircmd.exe" "%OSGEO4W_STARTMENU%" "Setup" "exec hide ~q%OSGEO4W_ROOT%\bin\setup.bat~q" "%OSGEO4W_ROOT%\OSGeo4W.ico" textreplace -std -t bin/setup.bat textreplace -std -t bin/setup-test.bat
if not %OSGEO4W_MENU_LINKS%==0 mkdir "%OSGEO4W_STARTMENU%" if not %OSGEO4W_MENU_LINKS%==0 xxmklink "%OSGEO4W_STARTMENU%\OSGeo4W Shell.lnk" "%OSGEO4W_ROOT%\OSGeo4W.bat" " " \ "OSGeo for Windows command shell" 1 "%OSGEO4W_ROOT%\OSGeo4W.ico" if not %OSGEO4W_DESKTOP_LINKS%==0 mkdir "%OSGEO4W_DESKTOP%" if not %OSGEO4W_DESKTOP_LINKS%==0 xxmklink "%OSGEO4W_DESKTOP%\OSGeo4W Shell.lnk" "%OSGEO4W_ROOT%\OSGeo4W.bat" " " \ "OSGeo for Windows command shell" 1 "%OSGEO4W_ROOT%\OSGeo4W.ico"
REM if not %OSGEO4W_MENU_LINKS%==0 mkdir "%OSGEO4W_STARTMENU%" REM if not %OSGEO4W_MENU_LINKS%==0 xxmklink "%OSGEO4W_STARTMENU%\OSGeo4W Shell.lnk" "%OSGEO4W_ROOT%\OSGeo4W.bat" " " \ "OSGeo for Windows command shell" 1 "%OSGEO4W_ROOT%\OSGeo4W.ico" REM if not %OSGEO4W_DESKTOP_LINKS%==0 mkdir "%OSGEO4W_DESKTOP%" REM if not %OSGEO4W_DESKTOP_LINKS%==0 xxmklink "%OSGEO4W_DESKTOP%\OSGeo4W Shell.lnk" "%OSGEO4W_ROOT%\OSGeo4W.bat" " " \ "OSGeo for Windows command shell" 1 "%OSGEO4W_ROOT%\OSGeo4W.ico"