前回は「rl2tool CREATE」でエラーが発生した今回はエラーが発生しないようにテーブル「strict_resolution」のNOT NULL制約の付いている項目にdefault 0を設定。
CREATE TABLE raster_coverages ( coverage_name TEXT NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, title TEXT NOT NULL DEFAULT '*** missing Title ***', abstract TEXT NOT NULL DEFAULT '*** missing Abstract ***', sample_type TEXT NOT NULL DEFAULT '*** undefined ***', pixel_type TEXT NOT NULL DEFAULT '*** undefined ***', num_bands INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 1, compression TEXT NOT NULL DEFAULT 'NONE', quality INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 100, tile_width INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 512, tile_height INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 512, horz_resolution DOUBLE NOT NULL, vert_resolution DOUBLE NOT NULL, srid INTEGER NOT NULL, nodata_pixel BLOB NOT NULL, palette BLOB, statistics BLOB, geo_minx DOUBLE, geo_miny DOUBLE, geo_maxx DOUBLE, geo_maxy DOUBLE, extent_minx DOUBLE, extent_miny DOUBLE, extent_maxx DOUBLE, extent_maxy DOUBLE, strict_resolution INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, mixed_resolutions INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, section_paths INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, section_md5 INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, section_summary INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, is_queryable INTEGER, red_band_index INTEGER, green_band_index INTEGER, blue_band_index INTEGER, nir_band_index INTEGER, enable_auto_ndvi INTEGER, CONSTRAINT fk_rc_srs FOREIGN KEY (srid) REFERENCES spatial_ref_sys (srid))
今度はrl2too.を使わずに「Tutorial: building and testing the Planet Earth sample – full SQL」
sqlite> SELECT RL2_CreateCoverage('Test', 'UINT8', 'RGB', 3, 'JPEG', 80, 512, 512, 2451, 0.0138888889); 1 sqlite> SELECT RL2_LoadRaster('Test', '0108.jpg'); Importing: 0108.jpg ------------------ Image Size (pixels): 5000 x 3750 SRID: -1 LowerLeft Corner: X=-63999.92 Y=-36600.08 UpperRight Corner: X=-63199.92 Y=-36000.08 Pixel resolution: X=0.16 Y=0.16 INSERT INTO sections; sqlite3_step() error: Test_sections.geometry violates Geometry constraint [geom-type or SRI llowed] 0 sqlite> SELECT RL2_LoadRaster('Test', '0108.jpg', 1, 2451); Importing: 0108.jpg ------------------ Image Size (pixels): 5000 x 3750 SRID: 2451 LowerLeft Corner: X=-63999.92 Y=-36600.08 UpperRight Corner: X=-63199.92 Y=-36000.08 Pixel resolution: X=0.16 Y=0.16 ---------- Pyramid levels successfully built for: 0108 1 sqlite> select RL2_Pyramidize('test'); 1 sqlite> select RL2_SetCoverageInfos('test','test1','hello'); 1 sqlite> .quit
wmslite -db test.sqlite ====================================================== WmsLite server startup ====================================================== SQLite version: 3.8.5 SpatiaLite version: 4.2.0 RasterLite2 version: 1.0.0-rc0 ====================================================== the DB "test.sqlite" doesn't contain any valid Raster Coverage wmslite server shutdown in progress wmslite shutdown completed ... bye bye
「doesn’t contain any valid Raster Coverage」失敗のようだ!